CrossReads Short Takes
The Character of God
The Beginning of Genesis
by Kevin Bradford Ornellas
Have you ever wondered if Genesis 1 had hidden meanings? The eBook “The Character of God: The Beginning of Genesis” maintains that there is an allegorical level to Genesis chapter one. More specifically, each day in Genesis 1 is about a facet, a spirit, of God’s character. Don’t see it when you look at Genesis 1? Then this eBook has something to offer. More specifically, each day is detailing a virtuous spirit of God’s character: Wisdom, Righteousness, Strength, Hope, Patience, Understanding, and Faithfulness. Collectively, the solution to one level of the allegory within Genesis 1 addresses the question “Is God good?”
Teach Us to Pray
A Practical Guide On How to Build an Effective Prayer Life
by Samuel I. Akindahunsi
One of the areas where believers struggle in their Christian walk is the area of creating a personal prayer life.
Prayer is fellowship with God, therefore it is very important and mist be well understood. TEACH US TO PRAY is a systematic guide on how you can develop a strong personal prayer life.
This book was written to answer your questions on how to create an effective prayer life for better results always and it will help you grow the more in your personal fellowship with God.