CrossReads Short Takes
The Allegiance of Jesus
Why is Peace Misunderstood?
by Claire Krulikowski
Peace has been misunderstood. Peace is active, not passive, and the energy of peace is powerful. Unleashing that power enables us to transform our lives and world–as Jesus taught and demonstrated daily.
Has your life, the world, become too complicated? Too agitated? Too hurtful? If so, then it is because we have all forgotten our divine Source and have been regularly, habitually,, instructed to believe in the opposite. That instruction has compromised awareness of our soul’s call causing us to choose survival tactics over thriving practice. But, are our beliefs, insecurities, fears, anger, and wars more worthwhile than believing in and living the principles Jesus taught and exemplified?
The principles expressed within The Allegiance of Jesus are founded on the question, “To whose authority do we owe our allegiance?” The information provided may challenge many preconceived concepts you’ve held for the whole of your life. Ultimately, it is meant to inspire you to create life anew by living the wisdom and power encoded within your soul.
So, do you believe Jesus was serious or not?
This inspirational book offers readers insights into the truth of peace; reviews five reasons people actually fear peace; explains the shattering awareness people began to experience hearing from Jesus about a God of love and witnessing acts of healing; offers potent reconsiderations about the nature of our material reality; summarizes how the various books in the Bible were selected for inclusion; the potential transcribing issues and political and religious issues over the centuries that have re-shaped the societal message and image of Jesus.
Most importantly, this book rouses every reader to look within and feel new potential for their life. Read The Allegiance of Jesus: Why is Peace Misunderstood? and feel a sense of destiny stir
Thee Will I Cherish
An Inspirational Amish Love Story
by Joyce Daley
David and Naomi Bontrager have a secret. To protect their adult children, Daniel and Anna, they agree to leave their Amish community in Buck Mill, Ohio, and become Englisch. The siblings, however, find it impossible to stay in Eastern Ohio after their parents’ shunning. So Daniel and Anna move to a small Amish town a few hours away in Western Pennsylvania. Rumors of their family’s scandal, however, chase them across the state line and some of the Elders of Levity, PA, are none too pleased to have Daniel and Anna settle in their community. Will their parents’ shame prevent the siblings from finding love and acceptance? Or will each of them, with God’s grace and guidance, find a new life with the person of their dreams?