CrossReads Short Takes: A Closer Walk with God & Hall of Heroes 6/26/2024

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CrossReads Short Takes

A Closer Walk with God

From the Book of Genesis

by Gene R. Hogg

A Closer Walk with God

How intimate is your walk with God?

Intimacy with God is a term that is often used to describe how close and personal our relationship is with Him. It goes beyond merely knowing about God, but it also involves experiencing Him, talking to Him, and listening to Him. This connection is built on love, trust, and a deep respect for our Creator. The book of Genesis shows us how the people were able to manage this closeness with Him and apply this to our walk with God.






Hall of Heroes

(The Peabody Series Book 7)

by Jeri Massi

Hall of Heroes

The gang of friends: Scruggs, Jack, Penny, Annette, and Jean have got their new clubhouse in place, but they are stormed by Eddy and his gang of pals who specialize in outwitting the Hall of Heroes and making them look ridiculous. Meanwhile, Jean has been assigned by her church’s Young Helps group to clean house and assist the mysterious woman who lives by herself in the big, spooky house on a lonely and dark street. Why does Martha Jenkins have no friends, and why does she never leave her house?



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