CrossReads Book Spotlight: The Path of the Chosen Warriors 3/10/2022

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CrossReads Book Spotlight

CrossReads Book Spotlight

The Path of the Chosen Warriors

A Spiritual Warfare Novel

by Marshalee Patterson

The Path of the Chosen Warriors

“A story of Spiritual warfare: the perpetual fight of good over evil in a paranormal setting with demonic forces attempting to overcome the Christians in the community. This story draws you in and holds your attention as you want to know what the final outcome will be.

Who will triumph? Will the evil forces of Abaddon defeat the Christians? Will Ruth and Joshua escape from Sodom Shadows and return to their home in Shiloh City?

Suspense, action, intrigue and romance, in this story, which takes the reader to the realm where the struggle for supremacy takes place.”
Staring into the eyes of the man she loved, Ruth knew coming home was where she would make her fondest memories with her beloved Joshua. She was looking forward to their journey together as man and wife.

All their plans were interrupted when they were caught up in a terrible storm, and their boat crashed in an unknown area.

Although they were lost, it seemed as if destiny had brought them to this unfamiliar territory, and until they discovered what it was and fulfilled it, their future together would be put on hold


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