CrossReads Book Spotlight: The Fifth Seal 5/19/2022

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CrossReads Book Spotlight

CrossReads Book Spotlight

The Fifth Seal

An Apocalyptic End-Times Thriller

(The Arrows Beyond Book 2)

by Milton Cantellay

The Fifth Seal

With the dawning darkness, the world has become a place where the Christian faith is widely persecuted as hateful and intolerant.

“Aubrey clenched her hand over Alice’s mouth to muffle the cries of pain being caused by the pressure she was putting on her stomach wound. In the distance, she could hear their pursuers talking. Deacon was barking orders.
Looking around at the abandoned warehouse, she saw ways to get out, but not for both of them, and she wasn’t leaving her twin behind. Certainly not for Deacon to find.”

Ex-FBI agent Elijah Turk and twins, Aubrey and Alice Raydon, along with Cousin Evan Raydon, have opened a thrift store in St. Louis in the new America. They want to help the needy and displaced while watching over the local churches. When gruesome killings take place within the body of the local underground church, local authorities are compromised. A vigilante group led by a secular church leader is suspected and the dangerous mission begins; protect the church while rooting out the group responsible. This exciting story of how God will use the faithful Christians in the end-times to bring people to Him, even through martyrdom.

“When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne.” – Revelation 6:9


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