CrossReads Book Spotlight: Science Confirms the Existence of God 5/26/2022

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CrossReads Book Spotlight

CrossReads Book Spotlight

Science Confirms the Existence of God

by Kevin Bradford Ornellas

Science Confirms the Existence of God

This book demonstrates that God exists, and the book does so on the grounds of secular scientific data and mathematics. While that might not sound possible, this book demonstrates it using insight into a key verse, 2Peter 3:8, to help set-up a mathematical model of what the Bible is asserting to be true. When compared to modern scientific data, a direct correlation between what Saint Peter and the Genesis Writer said was true, and what occurred according to modern scientific data is presented. If you’ve ever wondered whether God exists or not, read this book! If you’ve ever felt discouraged at the idea of not seeing a possible way to reconcile God and Science, the way is contained in this book.


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