CrossReads Book Spotlight: Fresh Flowers 10/3/2024

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CrossReads Book Spotlight

CrossReads Book Spotlight

Fresh Flowers

by Chris Williams

Fresh Flowers

Difficult, life altering changes can be especially traumatic for a young person. Without compassionate and wise encouragement during such a time of emotional displacement, young people often become angry and bitter. And if he or she were a professed believer in God prior to having their whole world turned upside down, profound doubts about His love frequently replace any affection they might have felt towards the Almighty.

In Fresh Flowers the protagonist, Ben Hawkins, comes to grips with massive changes in his life with unusual and extraordinary help from the Lord and a caring group of strangers.

Fresh Flowers is based largely on real events in the author’s life, but a few literary liberties were taken to enhance the narrative. Although the emotions related were real and happened, there is an element of fantasy (backed up by scripture) that was added to make the tale more interesting, rather than it being just another “Baby Boomer” nostalgia piece or cliched Christian memoir.


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