CrossReads Book Spotlight
A Call To Intercession
Praying For Others
The Time is Now
by Arnester White
You will learn about Biblical examples of intercessors and who the greatest intercessor was to walk the earth. Arnester White discusses intimacy with God and seeking God’s face during prayer. You will sense a strong love for God’s Word and how the Bible plays an integral part in the life of an intercessor throughout this book. In tumultuous or challenging times we face day to day, the significance of prayer and the application of God’s Word effectuate courage and strength. At the end of this book, you’ll find a convenient self-test that we encourage you to complete. This might be a part of your true calling if you have ever wondered:
- Are you called to be an intercessor?
- What is the role of an intercessor?
- What are the characteristics of an intercessor?
- How do you obtain answers to prayer?
- What is the relationship between fasting and prayer?
- and much more!
Derek Prince mentions a key comment about prayer. Here’s the excerpt from Secrets of a Prayer Warrior by Derek Prince “In this book, I will be dealing with one of my favor topics, the topic of prayer. For some people, I suppose, prayer seems like an irksome religious duty. For my part, I love to pray — and what is more, I get what I pray for.” Copyright C 2009. Used by permission of Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
A Call to Intercession shall shed light on how this can happen!