Send to Kindle CrossReads Book Spotlight Overcoming Fear Simple Yet Effective Tips to Becoming A Great and Fierce Fiction Writer by Anastasia Simonds This book was designed and conceptualized to give the soon to be author, budding author, and even current author insightful tips on how to overcome the fear and intimidation that comes from […]
CrossReads Book Spotlight: Overcoming Fear
Falling Down and Getting Back Up 12/31/2021
by Staci Stallings One of the things I find interesting from an omniscient point of view is being able to take a step back and see trends in my writing. I know there are other authors who plot out ideas. I’m not one of them. I write where the Spirit leads me, and […]
The Strange, Strange Life of Being an Author 9/3/2021
by Staci Stallings You may think that being a romance author is all about reclining on a couch, eating grapes as you spin stories of wonder, love, and romance. I would love to tell you that is the truth, but for me at least, it is not. Instead, it is dragging myself out […]
Imagination 8/27/2021
by Staci Stallings Sometimes living in my imagination is difficult. Maybe that’s because I have what people call a “vivid imagination.” Do you know what that means, to have a vivid imagination? For me, it means that what I “experience” in my head is often as real or more real to me than […]
Mirror Mirror, From the Story 8/20/2021
by Staci Stallings Author’s Note: There are some scenes that just stay with you forever. This is one of my favorites. Enjoy… It seemed the height of insanity to be out here on a vacant field celebrating when he hadn’t heard from her in 48 hours. Why did everyone else seem to think […]
With Fear and Trembling 7/23/2021
by: Staci Stallings One of the dangers of writing outside the box, not following the formula, and going where God leads is that you get into situations that make you really question the wisdom of doing any of that. You see, as an indie writer, I love the freedom of being able to […]
First Impressions: And the Greatest of These is Love 7/16/2021
by: Staci Stallings One of the things I think is strange about my writing life is how clear certain scenes are when they come out of me and how those scenes never really leave my memory. Each book seems to have a few of these, and often, years after the book is finished […]
When Do You Find the Time? 7/9/2021
by Staci Stallings By far the biggest question I get from my writer friends is: “When do you find the time?” While right now there are a lot of novellas being released which usually run around 20,000 to 40,000 words, my books tend to be…. uhm, longer, to say the least. The one I’m working on […]
A New Way of Thinking 6/25/2021
by Staci Stallings First, full disclosure: This was not my original post this month. There’s a reason I changed it, and this may or may not explain why. I have learned one thing—my life is about learning about life. Some of it has to do with the writing. I’ve spent years trying to […]
Of Detours and Alternate Destinations 6/11/2021
by Staci Stallings We’ve all heard it said that God works in mysterious ways. I think some of His ways are more mysterious than others. Take, for example, the strange case of the Bomb Cyclone and its effect on this author’s life. Our story starts on March 8, the first day of Spring […]