Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a writer and radio show host, die hard Star Trek fan, avid sci-fi lover, choir girl, dog lover and recovering Mountain Dew addict.
Can you give us insight into your publishing journey?
My journey began the day I was laid off from work in 2010. I worked in a high pressure environment that always had deadlines to meet, competition among the reps, and demands from management. Approximately two months before I was laid off, I developed a twitch over my left eye. The day I departed that job my twitching eye stopped and never twitched again. While I was at home, I worked on my virtual assistant business; but I knew I didn’t want to do that forever. So one day, I was looking over a manuscript I had been writing for about ten years and I told myself, “I’m going to get this published by my birthday.” I had worked on this book for so long and I was tired of it being on my computer. So with a little help from some friends, I did it. The first time I actually published the book was in 2011 on my birthday. Then a vanity press called me and I was sucked into the sales spiel and published my book under their name in 2012 on my birthday, again.
What’s really significant about my current release is that it would not have been written without the help of my critique partner. I met her online in a Facebook group and she became my biggest supporter. I had planned on publishing via self-publishing methods again but I ended up, through her, finding an agent. The rest, as they say, is history.
Why do you call yourself a Midnight Sunshine author?
When I thought about what I wanted to write about, I knew I didn’t want to make romance my entire career. You’re talking to a woman who grew up watching sci-fi and monster movies, reading Dean Koontz and Steven King, and then getting into romance later on. I want my followers to know that some of my works will be darker.
Another thing and this is something I’ve thought about many times over the years, darkness lives inside us all. As sinners, we all have midnight within us but thanks be to God for His sunshine that beams through us by His grace. So I guess you can say I glow in the moonlight and bask in the sunlight.
What are some things you wish you’d known before pursuing your writing career?
There are about three major things I wish I’d known before beginning my dream.
Wishing to be a writer does absolutely nothing but keep you from accomplishing your goal. Until we find Aladdin’s magic lamp, we have to make something happen with the help of the Lord. Secondly, I wish I’d known how to build my platform before now. Platform building is so important, whether its blogging, radio show, YouTube channel, or some other venue, an author should begin to build their base before they even finish their books. Third, marketing is essential to getting the word out about your book.
What is the title of your book and what is it about?
The name of the book is Many Strange Women. Solomon Greene and Celeste Martin marry for all the wrong reasons. Solomon wants an unattractive wife to help him escape from his past. Celeste agrees to be his ugly wife because she wants to escape the fact she’s in love with her sister’s fiancé. The book follows their relationship through ups and downs and the strange women the reader encounters throughout the book.
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How would you categorize your book?
I’d categorize it as edgy Christian romance. One of my pet peeves with some Christian fiction is that sometimes the characters are so holy you can’t relate to them. I’m not saying that’s the case with every Christian fictional work but I want to make my characters more realistic and hope that readers can relate.
Where can we buy your books and get more information about you?
You can buy the book on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and at my publisher’s site, www.eLectioPublishing.com . For more information about me, feel free to check out my website at www.parkerjcole.com.