1. Describe yourself as an author.
I’m a morning writer who enjoys writing about the places I love and the people I love as well as my beloved pets. I also enjoy crafting fiction. As an author, a visual would be a woman with a golden retriever on one side of her feet, a cocker spaniel on the other, a cat curled up near the computer, and a cup of coffee in my favorite red bird cup striking keys at wee hours in the morning with a husky at my feet. At times I do write during the day and even at night, but morning is my favorite time. I also love to write outdoors listening to the birds sing and watching the squirrels frolic.
2. What was the very first thing you remember writing?
In the third grade, I wrote a story about my pet dog, and it was published in the local newspaper. This encouraged me to continue writing, and I’ve been writing ever since. Back then, I had no idea how many beloved dogs I would have in my life or how important they would become to me and what glorious writing companions they’d make.
3. Where do you draw your inspiration from? Is it dreams? Things you see on television or in movies. Books? People you meet?
Inspiration comes from the people and animals I love and the places I’ve visited on vacations or tours. There have been times I’ve had dreams and have written about them. I am inspired by reading books and the Bible.
4. Are you a full-out plotter? Are you a “let’s see what happens” pantser? Or do you think you fall somewhere in between? Describe your process in coming up with and executing a story idea.
I’m mostly a pantser, but I plan in my head and usually start with an idea and a few notes, maybe a blurb and a cover of my novel and go from there.
5. Tell us about your hometown as a child. What influence did your upbringing have on your writing?
I’m from a small town in the South and tend to write about the South in most of my work. Beautiful rivers, woods, and nature inspired my writing, and small-town, ordinary people influenced it. Some of those ordinary people were bigger than life for me and have found their way into my heart and my writing.
6. What are your favorite genres and why?
Romantic suspense is usually my favorite genre since I grew up on Nancy Drew and love mystery and suspense, but I also love romance and this genre allows me to include it all. I also love touring old plantation homes and that has lead to writing historical romance novels. When I tour an old home, I love the history behind it, and it brings history to life for me. I especially love the Civil War era because of the lovely old homes and the history surrounding them.
7. Do you work any reality from your own life into your novels? If so, do you change it to make it more or less dramatic? How and why?
I have used my father’s death, my youngest sister’s death, and my mother’s guiding spirit in my writing. Some is changed and some not. I’ve also used life experience as fodder, embellished to make the story more dramatic. I love writing about vacations and have used those vacations for story ideas but changed some things to make the writing more dramatic as I did with my novel Last Resort, set in Key West, Florida. Also, my novel Whispering Cypress has bits of a Tennessee vacation in it but no wedding ever took place in Tennessee though it does in my novel. This book is in the process of revision and will soon be published again.
8. Of all the characters you’ve created, who is your favorite and why?
In Mysterious Ways, Myrtle is in essence the guiding spirit of my mother. Mom read the book before it was ever submitted for publication and loved it, but she never lived to see it published.
9. Why do you write?
I write because I can’t not write. It’s a passion, and I love it. As a child, I loved and devoured books because they took me to other words. As an adult, I love creating those other worlds with fiction and traveling through them. My family could never afford vacations when I was growing up, but that didn’t stop me from taking my own through a good book. I traveled to Grand Isle, Louisiana, in a book about a young girl who had an imaginary friend on the beach there many years before I visited the place as an adult.
10. What is the greatest love story you have ever heard?
The one about Jesus dying to save us all. In books, Nicholas Sparks wrote one that has stayed with me for years, The Notebook.
11. Where is the most interesting place you have ever traveled? If you haven’t traveled much, where would you absolutely love to go?
Flying on a plane over the ocean for hours to get to Hawaii was the most exciting and adventurous. I also loved traveling by car to the Grand Canyon. I enjoy rode trips better than airplanes.
12. Who is your hero, and why?
My father because of the quality time he spent with me in the few short years I knew him. I lost him when I was four on Christmas Day, but his memories live on in my heart and I cherish the time we had together. He walked me to the store, holding my hand and singing songs to me, some he made up just for me. He took me fishing. He rocked me to sleep singing to me. He always made me feel special.
13. Do you have a writing routine? If so, what is it? What must you have without compromise in order to write? Do you have a specific place to write? Music?
Mornings with three dogs, a cat, and a cup of coffee, actually three cups. I can’t always stick to my favorite writing routine though. I used to but now I write at night and during the evenings at times. I still write in the mornings as much as I can.
14. Tell us about your latest novels.
Siege of Azalea Plantation is a clean historical romance novel that readers say is my best in the genre so far. It has made an Amazon bestseller. A young widow has to learn to let go of the past so she can claim a future. Alexis never thought she could love again after losing her husband in the war. Reese Armstrong never thought he’d fall for a belle or any other woman after what happened to him. I’m working on the sequel to it, and my readers say they can’t wait to read it. -Book-Plantation-Azalea-http://www.amazon.com/Siege… ebook/dp/B018JOIFRI/
The Belle and the Officer was my historical romance before the latest one. It has also made an Amazon bestseller and is a Christian historical romance. Plantations, one southern belle, four brothers. Three reared in the South, the other the North. Would they ever see eye-to-eye or agree on anything? Alice’s heart aches for the simple times and young love, now a thing of the past. A Yankee officer turns the college into a hospital and turns her world upside down when he encamps on her front lawn and uses her house as well as the college. Sonny wanted to console her. Lonnie wanted to marry her. Bert, the Yankee officer wanted to use her home. http://www.amazon.com/Belle-Officer-Battlefield-Romance-Book-ebok/dp/B00YQB58BK
Note From Author: I wish to thank all my readers for your support and reviews. Nothing makes an author’s day like hearing from her readers. May God bless you and your families.
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/B.-J.-Robinson/e/B007DNJIKU/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1452521584&sr=1-2-ent
Historical Romance Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/BJRobinsonHistoricalRomance/
Christian Inspirational Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBJRobinson/
http://barbarajrobinson.blogspot.com My blog page.
B. J. Robinson
/ January 15, 2016Thank your for the interview. I’m thrilled to be interviewed on the Grace and Faith blog.