Send to Kindle CrossReads Book Spotlight Oh! Lord! Help Me Power To Win Your Battles And Succeed In Your Life (Spiritual Truth Book 1) by EVANGELIST David Azize Adeshakin Aikou Many have gone through excruciating moments of suffering, and since then have struggled to regain stability and happiness in their lives. Many have lost all […]
CrossReads Book Spotlight: Oh! Lord! Help Me
CrossReads Short Takes: The Character of God & Teach Us to Pray
Send to Kindle CrossReads Short Takes The Character of God The Beginning of Genesis by Kevin Bradford Ornellas Have you ever wondered if Genesis 1 had hidden meanings? The eBook “The Character of God: The Beginning of Genesis” maintains that there is an allegorical level to Genesis chapter one. More specifically, each day in Genesis […]
The Truth About Prayer
by Suzanne D. Williams Little Johnny’s excitement couldn’t be contained. Christmas was just around the corner, and he has his list prepared. Flying out of his bedroom, he latches onto his dad and the list of his desires spills out. “I want this and that and the thing Bobby has.” Without taking a breath, he goes on and on. […]
CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Ambiguity 10/28/2019
Send to Kindle by Ruth O’Neil I recently saw an article that stated where some Christian celebrities stood on certain biblical/theological/cultural issues. What caught my attention the most was the ambiguity of many of them. It seemed they were more concerned about not hurting anyone’s feeling, or perhaps affecting their bottom line negatively, than they […]
If You loved 7 Brides for 7 Brothers…
by Parker J. Cole I can’t tell you how often I’ve watched the movie, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I can quote most of it, know the songs, and enjoy the whimsical tale When the opportunity to head a new multiple author series that featured this theme, I went for it. Introducing the new series, […]
CrossReads Book Spotlight: Shadow of the Mountain
Send to Kindle CrossReads Book Spotlight Shadow of the Mountain A Novel of the Flood (The Children of Ararat Book 1) by Scott R. Rezer Chosen… or delusional? How does one man persevere when he is given a message that will either test the strength of his faith or convince him he has lost his […]
CrossReads Short Takes: A Heartbroken Father & Inside Sarah’s Tent
Send to Kindle CrossReads Short Takes A Heartbroken Father 10-year-old Gracie & the Save a Soul Prayer Team (A Fruit of the Spirit Book Book 1) by Paula~ Rose Hi ya’ll! I’m Gracie and this is my story. I live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley with my mama Bernice, and Miss Millie, the renter who […]
Feeling Disconnected?
by Sherry Chamblee Do you ever feel disconnected from those around you? Like you wish people would pay attention, notice you, show you some sort of support or at least act as if they care? Maybe you wish they’d acknowledge what you do, or who you are? Check up on you… treat you like you’re family? But you […]
CrossReads Weekly Devotional: Gems From Pastor Jim 10/21/2019
Send to Kindle by Jim Hughes Jer. 1:4-5 The LORD gave me a message. He said, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.” What has the Lord appointed you to do? God made it […]
His Sign 2: The Ezra Solution — New Release!
by Mary C. Findley December of 2018 I released a different kind of short novel called His Sign: The Wait Is Over. I created it as a modern allegory, fictional, but intending to convey spiritual truth. I was kind of getting tired with the popular Nephilim obsession. But, in the interest of giving […]