by Parker J. Cole What do you say to the charge that men can’t write romances that women will like, and how will you tempt guys to read your books?
Answering Two Questions
Mary Findley’s Video
by Mary Findley This video is an author interview where Mary answers some questions from readers as well as talking about Findley Family Video’s and their growing ministry.
Gems From Pastor Jim as of 6/26/2018
by Jim Hughes Prov. 23:17-18 Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the LORD. For surely you have a future ahead of you; your hope will not be disappointed. Be honest. There are people in this world that you know are sinners that you envy. They rise to prominence in the public […]
Celebrate Uniqueness
by Suzanne D. Williams My brain is a car with only one gear. I’ve known this for years, but had it reaffirmed recently when I took a personality test. I won’t bore you with the details, but in essence, I do one task at a time, the same way every time. All fourteen steps must […]
Don’t Let the Callous Form
by Rebekah Beene One day a couple weeks ago I started having a tiny pain in the ball of my foot. I couldn’t see a thing. Finally, I could take it no longer and I asked Danny to look and see if he could find a cut or something. He was able to […]
Gems From Pastor Jim as of 6/19/2018
by Jim Hughes Prov. 23:13-14 Don’t fail to correct your children. They won’t die if you spank them. Physical discipline may well save them from death. My dad did not always walk with the Lord, but he took these verses to heart. He was a strong disciplinarian while I was growing up. He […]
Move Aside The Milk
by Tina Webb But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14 Samuel was a child who heard the voice of God. David was a teenager who sensed the call of God to be a warrior-intercessor. Jesus was […]
Faith’s Checkbook: Home Blessings Extended
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon Home Blessings Extended “The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life” (Psalm 128:5). This is a promise to the God-fearing man who walks in the ways of holiness with earnest heed. He shall have domestic […]