All posts for the month August, 2016

Crowdfunding and Authors: An Opinion Part Two

by Parker J. Cole For the first part of this discussion click here: Needless to say, there is a virulent mental disease that has affected millions of people in today’s topsy turvy world. The spread of it is more rampant than the Black Plague which emptied Europe a few hundred years ago. […]

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Gems From Pastor Jim

by Jim Hughes Ps. 119:43,44 Do not snatch your word of truth from me for my only hope is in your laws. I will keep on obeying your law forever and forever. We have no hope apart from God’s truth. It there is no absolute truth that flows from an absolute God, we […]

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Writing Tips: Watch What You Write

by Suzanne D. Williams It isn’t enough to write a book. I must write it well, and “writing well” means watching what I write by choosing each word carefully. I look back at when I started and would change so much of what I produced. Glib to be writing at all, I paid […]

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Excerpt of “Plantation Restored”

by BJ Robinson The third and last novel in the Azalea Plantation Series will be released soon. Here is a sneak preview of Plantation Restored. If you enjoy historical romance novels with the same characters, don’t miss Siege of Azalea Plantation, Azalea Plantation, and Plantation Restored. Lexie stood at the balcony railing with […]

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Writers Need Writers

by Ruth O’Neil Behind every good writer is a group of writers. Yes, you read that correctly, writers, not necessarily readers, although we need them too. I have been a writer for more than 20 years. I have known a lot of wanna-be writers. We all know them. When people hear you are […]

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Gems From Pastor Jim

by Jim Hughes Ps. 119:35 Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found. We need help don’t we? We don’t always live by God’s Word. We tend to forget, neglect, ignore, or downright refuse to obey what God tells us to do. We struggle […]

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Coming Soon: Conflict of the Ages Part V: TheAncient World

by Mary C. Findley “We forget everything. What we remember is not what actually happened, not history, but merely that hackneyed dotted line they have chosen to drive into our memories by incessant hammering.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their […]

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by Patricia PacJac Carroll The word is rampant in our news and culture. The definition is bias, preconceived ideas, prejudgment, and bigotry. Ouch! But is anyone really free from prejudice? I doubt it. Like many character flaws and even sins, it is a sneaky. We can be prejudiced against skin color, ethnicity, language, […]

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One Person

by Sherry Chamblee If you look back on history, it’s striking how often one person held the key to a monumental shift of some kind. On one person, historians hang losses and wins on the battlefield that changed the course of entire nations. One person fired the shot heard round the world. One […]

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Gems From Pastor Jim

by Jim Hughes Ps. 119:33-34 Teach me, O LORD, to follow every one of your principles. Give me understanding and I will obey your law; I will put it into practice with all my heart. First things first. We must seek from the Lord the desire to obey Him. For some of us, […]

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