This is a yearly post of the accomplishments over the course of 2015. As I was looking over each of the entries we all have accomplished quite a lot. Looking at them collectively, we accomplished a monumental amount. Click on each of the author images to go to the authors Amazon page and […]
2015 Yearly Accomplishments
Learning to… by Staci Stallings
I’m going to ask you a very simple question that is going to get you into a lot of turmoil. If you never have to do something, how do you learn to do it? Let’s say that I am going to operate on you. Let’s say further that you need a heart transplant. […]
2015 – The Year of Self-Inflicted Wounds by Parker J. Cole
I know I’m supposed to have kind words to say about the end of the year. You know, have happy thoughts, and look at how much the Lord has done with this or that. Yeah, well. This ain’t that post. This post is going to be about me and my idiocy. This year […]
He Wrote a Bestseller by Suzanne D. Williams
For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life. (Jn 3:16 VOICE) It is a complicated storyline woven through ages of time. Begun where one man made the wrong choice. […]
Precious Things by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath. (Deuteronomy 33:13) We may be rich in such things as Joseph obtained, and we may have them in a higher sense. Oh, for “the precious […]
Gems from Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes
Ps. 100:2 Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. It matters how we approach God. It matters to God, and it should matter to us. Think about it. How would you feel if your children always came to you with their complaints and problems and never their expressions of […]
Shepherds Abide and So We Too by Rebekah Beene
Send to Kindle“There were shepherds abiding in the fields.” These words from the Scriptures give me such comfort and peace. Notice that the Scriptures didn’t say that the shepherds were worrying, troubled, downcast, forlorn or troubled. They were out in the elements in the dark and yet they were not afraid. They were abiding. These […]
Constance: Bride of Florida by Patricia PacJac Carroll
Send to Kindle…Constance is that book for every woman who doubts she can… Constance: Bride of Florida Constance is a Sweet Historical Romance and #27 in the unprecedented 50 book American Mail-Order Bride Series. Constance has always done everything by the book. Follow the rules, be good, and hide. Can this letter to a man […]
Holiday Horror Story by C.J. Peterson
Send to Kindle “Christmas is a holiday that persecutes the lonely, the frayed, and the rejected.” – Jimmy Cannon After weeks of making lists, checking the adds for sales, cleaning the house beyond immaculate, the day had finally arrived! Christmas Eve! It should have been a day of joy and blessing, but to her, it was […]
Gems From Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes
Ps. 100:1 Shout with joy to the LORD, O earth! We shout for a wide variety of reasons. We shout to be heard when we are excited, angry, or feel we are being ignored. We shout because we want someone to hear us. When was the last time you shouted with joy to […]