Deborah H. Bateman is a Best Selling Christian Author on Amazon. She is a self-publisher, blogger, and website designer. Deborah is the Founder of Christian Daily Resources a Christian Online Ministry. Deborah is dedicated to “Sharing God’s Word” and empowering others to share their message. Welcome Deborah, What is your most recent book? My […]
Interview with Deborah H. Bateman
Accountability: Two are Better Than One
Have you ever had an accountability partner? I recently contacted another author about being my writing accountability partner. We have a private Facebook group where we post our writing goals each week. This does two things: first it forces me to write out my goals and secondly it provides motivation as I know […]
Freefalling: How 24/7 Prayer Changed My Life.
Send to Kindle By Chana Keefer I remember my first 24/7 Prayer experience. I had signed up for a crazy hour, like 2 a.m, and I took my then-8-yr-old son with me. When we stepped into the black light-bathed room with fluorescent expressions of people’s heart’s cry to God splashed all over the papered walls, my son exclaimed, […]
We don’t know what we want.
by Mikayla Kayne Yesterday my son asked me about heaven. He said if it’s true that in Heaven we will have the desires of our hearts; what if the desire of his heart is to be with us (assuming we were not yet dead). He wanted to know if God would “bring […]
By June Foster I urge first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be […]
Where Wild Flowers Bloom
By Ann Shorey You’d think by the title that this book would be an easy-read romance, but you’ll be surprised at the mayhem that can surround a mercantile and the young lady who manages the store for her ailing grandfather. In the first place Faith Lindberg doesn’t want to spend her life stocking […]